My Mission is Clear
We all learn from our mistakes, now you can learn from my mistakes
After decades of sales, management and SME experience I offer courses, training, one to one, seminars etc to boost people skills, & management styles
Whether you are needing to improve your skills or those of you business and staff together we can find a cost effective method to boost your value and skills
Advice is free, custom or off the shelf packages for all budgets and businesses all level of skill.

Tony Agathocklis Fellas
Just me!
A few decades of expense in the people business
I’m half Cypriot/British. Born in the Uk, my father was from Cyprus and left just after the Second World Way, he never came back, except some visits in the 50’s and 60’s. I did in the later 2000’s after visiting for a few years
Now a full Cypriot citizen, and very happily married recently to Olga with 2 stepchildren, 16 and 23 as of 2024. My daughter in the UK is a successful book publisher/Life coach developing her own business. Link above for Tecassia.
I do websites at chicsystems, and property management here, I also run findingcyprus.com
I’m a proud a Freemason, my mother lodge is in the Uk, Albert Lodge 4320. I’m a active officer in my lodge, Agapinor lodge 8905 here in Paphos. I’m also a Chapter, Agapinor Chapter 8905, Mark Freemason, Kypros Lodge 1835. And joining RAM, Kypros 1835 hopefully this year. And Order of Athelstan and the new FWB mark lodge both as a founder member.
I also do the Social media for the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus.
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